Dental Implants in Harrow


Dental implants offer a permanent solution for your missing teeth. A dental implant offers one of the best solutions to replace missing teeth with the most natural appearance, they also support the surrounding teeth to prevent problems developing later on in life. Dental implants have the power to revolutionise the way you eat, chew and smile.

Meet your dental implant dentist in Harrow
Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit

BDS (Lond) 1994
LDS RCS (ENG) 1994
GDC No. 70208

Dr Nishan Dixit is the founder and principal dentist of Blue Court Dental. Patients having dental implants enjoy his relaxed, friendly and gentle approach while experiencing his meticulous attention to detail.

"It is important for to me to provide care in a calm and unhurried manner, taking the time to make even the most nervous patients feel at ease and informed about any procedures they need."

Why have dental implants?

Replacing missing teeth is important for a variety of reasons. Being able to eat and chew are essential to confident living, as is looking good - if your teeth are missing it's difficult to do either of these effectively.

However there are a few other less obvious reasons that can affect your overall dental health.

When you have missing teeth the adjacent teeth either side will have the tendency to 'fall' in to this space, the opposing teeth on the opposite jaw will also tend to 'over erupt' into these spaces. Over a period of time this can result in jaw joint problems, eating difficulties and possibly headaches as your muscles need to adjust to the new positions of your teeth.

Another reason not to leave gaps between your teeth is that the bone where the tooth has been removed will slowly resorb. This has the effect of shrinking the gum in this area which has a significant aesthetic problem associated with it.


When the bone shrinks, or resorbs like this it means that there is less bone for us to place an implant at a later date should you so decide, therefore placing implants soon after a tooth is extracted preserves bone in the long term.

A dental implant is essentially a substitute for a natural root and commonly it is screw or cylinder shaped. Each implant is placed into a socket carefully drilled at the precise location of the intended tooth. The main aim during placement of any implant is to achieve immediate close contact with the surrounding bone. This creates an initial stability, which over time is steadily enhanced by further growth of bone into microscopic roughnesses on the implant surface.

The dental implant procedure

The procedure for a dental implant can vary depending upon the complexity of your case, including your clinical situation, number of implants required & budget however the following process is usually followed.

  • An initial consultation to discuss suitability.
  • x-rays and possibly CT scans to plan the exact treatment protocol.
  • Trying in of diagnostic new teeth to work out the final look you require.
  • Planning with the laboratory, dental implant surgeon and restorative dentist to ensure the look you require can be achieved.
  • Placement of the dental implant itself.
  • Healing phase whilst the jaw and soft tissue heal (typically between 3 & 6 months)
  • Restorative phase where the diagnostic is converted into the final restoration.
Show me a video of the dental implant process
Dental Implants
The cost of dental implants

The cost of any dental implants, similar to the procedure, varies depending upon the complexity, technical situation, number of implants and your budget. Many practices now offer finance for dental implant cases making them more affordable than ever. The cost of a dental implant typically includes:

  • All diagnostic stages.
  • The cost of the dental implant itself.
  • The cost of the abutment (the part of the dental implant which connects the implant and the new dental crown/bridge/denture).
  • The restoration which goes on top of the abutment and dental implant, this will always be precision manufactured exclusively by you, often by highly trained and experienced dental technicians.
  • The cost of the dental implant surgeon placing the implant.
  • The cost of the dentist restoring the dental implant.
  • Associated fees incurred such as nurses, surgery fees and surgical sundry items.

As you can see, the dental implant includes many items, this is why the cost is often higher than some other treatments. You can normally expect dental implants to start at around £2500.

Is there a dental implant dentist near me?

Yes, if you live in the Harrow or surrounding towns, Blue Court Dental Centre is nearby, here's how to find us.

In order to support replacement teeth, dental implants normally have some form of internal screw thread or post space that allows a variety of components to be fitted. Once fitted, these components provide the foundation for long-term support of crowns, bridges or dentures. Click here for illustrated information.