Category: Cosmetic

Blog post and articles about cosmetic dentistry by Dr Nishan Dixit

Who wants a B1 Tooth Shade?

We’ve seen many patients asking for the lightest teeth possible when they come to our practice in Harrow for teeth whitening, so we thought we write a blog post explaining more about the tooth shading system that we use, and how light is a B1  shade compared to an A3?

Many teeth whitening products on the market suggest that they can lighten teeth by 20 or 30 shades, however it all depends how you wish to grade those shades and how close together one decides to make them. Many times, all these companies do is add extra shades as half shades thereby increasing the number of shades they can lighten your teeth!

B1 tooth shade
Comparing a B1 tooth shade to a standard A3.5 colour

The professional way to monitor teeth whitening and how light your teeth are is by using an industry standard guide, rather than by making one up.

The normal tooth  shade  guide has four main categories – A, B, C, D. These range from yellowish, reddish tooth shades, through to greyer teeth.

Then within these categories there are up to 4 lightness shades – 1, 2, 3 & 4 with number 1 being the lightest.

There are a few variances of this, however to keep things simple this is the basic principle of how we measure tooth colour.

The average shade for a tooth is A3, this is considered a normal colour and around 70% of the population have natural teeth which are within this range.

A B1 shade is considerably lighter than A3 and is generally considered the lightest naturally occurring shade. However, with the advent of tooth whitening patient driven shades are now getting considerably lighter than this, and are often called Hollywood white shades. About 10 years ago if you asked the dentist to whiten your teeth to a B1 shade then this would have been considered very bright, however with more and more celebrities having their teeth whitening or even having veneers to an ultra-white colour this has driven popular public conception to consider that B1 is no longer white enough.


Our Harrow-based cosmetic dental practice is happy to discuss with you your current tooth colour shade and how light your teeth could possibly go with teeth whitening. We can look at a B1 shade compared to your current shade to see if this is too light for your skin tone and overall complexion. The practice in Harrow is easy to find and there is normally plenty of parking on the street outside.

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit is the founder and principal dentist of Blue Court Dental. Patients enjoy his relaxed, friendly and gentle approach while experiencing his meticulous attention to detail. He has a special interest in providing smile makeovers, natural-looking white fillings and cosmetic braces, but also provides a range of treatments from preventative and general dental care to complex dental rehabilitation.
Dr Nishan Dixit

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“I have a wedding to go to and I can’t smile “

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit is the founder and principal dentist of Blue Court Dental. Patients enjoy his relaxed, friendly and gentle approach while experiencing his meticulous attention to detail. He has a special interest in providing smile makeovers, natural-looking white fillings and cosmetic braces, but also provides a range of treatments from preventative and general dental care to complex dental rehabilitation.
Dr Nishan Dixit

Latest posts by Dr Nishan Dixit (see all)


This lady was soon to attend a close family wedding but she was unhappy and embarassed about her smile. She didn’t like her heavily discoloured, grey teeth and wanted to make then whiter so that she could smile in the photos.

We decided to use the teeth whitening system to give her the dazzling smile that she desired. We managed to change her teeth from a grey C2 shade to a shade near to B1. She was absolutely delighted with the immediate and instant result that we achieved.


To improve the smile further,  the patient has decides to undergo further cosmetic treatment.

Harrow dentist introduces free information pack for dental veneers

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit is the founder and principal dentist of Blue Court Dental. Patients enjoy his relaxed, friendly and gentle approach while experiencing his meticulous attention to detail. He has a special interest in providing smile makeovers, natural-looking white fillings and cosmetic braces, but also provides a range of treatments from preventative and general dental care to complex dental rehabilitation.
Dr Nishan Dixit

Latest posts by Dr Nishan Dixit (see all)

Are you concerned about the look of your teeth?

Have you considered dental veneers in the past?

Are you looking for more information on dental veneers?

More and more people in the Harrow area have had dental veneers, and are now smiling with confidence. These veneers are a modern way to have whiter or straighter teeth, or to disguise chipped or broken down teeth.

What are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are  thin shells  of specially made dental ceramic made by a skilled dental technician to a precise prescription written by the dentist. These thin shells fit precisely over your existing teeth, with the outer layer of the dental veneers being the perfect colour and shape. The dental veneer is then the part that other people see and will look exactly like natural, brighter and whiter straight teeth.

How our dental veneers made?

Your dentist will decide on the number of dental veneers that I write to help you achieve the smile that you desire. It is generally considered best practice to opt for the minimum number of veneers, in order to achieve your ideal smile. The dentist then takes a mould of your teeth, which is sent to a dental laboratory. This dental laboratory then pour some high strength dental plaster into this mould to create an exact replica of your current teeth.

The dental technician will then craft your new dental veneers over the top of this mould to the exact prescription of the dentist, taking into account the final position, colour and shape that you would like your new dental veneers to be.

How long do dental veneers last?

This is a very difficult question to answer. The most common reason that dental veneers are replaced is either due to the patient getting older (which unfortunately we all do) or the veneer chipping.

Replacing dental veneers due to age.

When a dental veneer is made for the first time, it will fit precisely the gum margin. However, as we age this gum margin moves and the tooth appears to get longer, hence the expression longer in the tooth. If the dental veneer is a different colour from the underlying two, this margin, or junction, will now be exposed. In order to disguise this a new dental veneer can be made which extends down to the new gum margin of the older patient.

Replacing dental veneers due to chipping.

If the veneers are carefully looked after, they should last for many many years. The most common reason that veneers chip is if they are hit with a glass or mug whilst the patient is drinking. The only way to prevent dental veneers chipping in this way, is to be more careful! And remember that natural teeth can chip this same way to.

What to do if you want dental veneers.

If you are unhappy about your smile, then the best thing to do  is to either request a cosmetic consultation at our Harrow-based dental practice or download our free guide to a confident, whiter and straighter smile with dental veneers. This free information pack for dental veneers has been specially written to include all of the options for cosmetic dentistry, and will give you an insight into whether veneers are right for of cosmetic dental option for you.

How does this Harrow dentist do gum contouring?

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit is the founder and principal dentist of Blue Court Dental. Patients enjoy his relaxed, friendly and gentle approach while experiencing his meticulous attention to detail. He has a special interest in providing smile makeovers, natural-looking white fillings and cosmetic braces, but also provides a range of treatments from preventative and general dental care to complex dental rehabilitation.
Dr Nishan Dixit

Latest posts by Dr Nishan Dixit (see all)

If you have a gummy smile or teeth that appeared different lengths, then often some form of gum contouring can be useful.

But how do we know what length of tooth is correct?

Whenever an artist does a painting he needs to conform to what is known as the Golden proportion, this is a proportion or ratio of length to width. Artists use this all the time to ensure that their paintings look aesthetically pleasing to the human eye. A dentist is able to use this same principle to decide on whether your teeth are the correct proportion or not.

generally speaking, looking along the gum margin of each to the front to teeth should be the same, and these to teeth should match the same gum margin as your eye teeth (canines). If you’re gum line or margin does not match this then some gum re-contouring would help to restore the golden proportion of length two width ratio of each tooth, plus balance the eye when looking at your gum line.

Think of your gums as a frame for your teeth, this frame needs to be perfectly balanced in order to set off and display in a pleasing way the picture, or to, within.

the gum re-contouring technique we use in our Harrow dental practice is always done with a local anaesthetic, so is painless and quick. There may be some mild discomfort afterwards, although your mouth and guns will always feel very quickly due to the high quality blood supply.

Patients report that after gum recontouring that they feel more confident when out and about in the local Harrow area.

If you are at all concerned about the length or height of your gum line and wish to discuss this with our dentist, then please call our practice for a brief discussion. We can then undertake a detailed clinical examination of your gums and teeth and let you know if any gum recontouring technique would help the athletics of your smile.

Where to get Six Month Smiles in Harrow

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit is the founder and principal dentist of Blue Court Dental. Patients enjoy his relaxed, friendly and gentle approach while experiencing his meticulous attention to detail. He has a special interest in providing smile makeovers, natural-looking white fillings and cosmetic braces, but also provides a range of treatments from preventative and general dental care to complex dental rehabilitation.
Dr Nishan Dixit

Latest posts by Dr Nishan Dixit (see all)

Blue Court Dental Centre is proud to offer this revolutionary new treatment called Six Month Smiles. In addition to our other cosmetic dentistry treatments six month smiles allows us to rapidly moved teeth into a straighter alignment in around six months, it’s one of those products that does exactly what it says on the tin!

What are the advantages of Six Month Smiles?

this treatment uses the best of all modern techniques, traditional train track braces with metal wires and metal brackets are very functional and work exceptionally well, however many patients dislike their cosmetic appeal. Six Month Smiles takes the functional aspect of these braces and applies a modern twist (pardon the pun) by providing clear brackets and tooth coloured wires to ensure that the treatment is barely noticeable.

Six Month Smiles has the following innovative advantages:

  • Rapid treatment, typically faster than any other orthodontic system.
  • Trademarked Six Month Smiles clear brackets and tooth coloured wires to ensure your orthodontics is almost invisible.
  • Our revolutionary patient tray kits ensure your appointments are fast and comfortable.
  • The revolutionary way that the braces work means they are more comfortable and have shorter treatment times.
  • All of this put together means these orthodontic braces are typically less expensive than traditional braces, invisible aligners or dental veneers.

Who can have orthodontics with Six Month Smiles?

Traditionally orthodontics has only been available to young children whilst their teeth and jaws are developing. This modern treatment is however, available for adults. This means that if you did not have your teeth straightened with orthodontics when you were younger, or your teeth have moved since having orthodontics then there is now a suitable alternative for you. Many people find that these braces suit their lifestyle is perfectly, without feeling self-conscious or embarrassed by the fact that they are wearing orthodontic braces.

If you are interested in finding out more about your suitability for the Six Month Smile treatment in Harrow, then we offer a free consultation. You can download a voucher for this free consultation by visiting the relevant page on our website.

John Bishop has teeth whitening

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit is the founder and principal dentist of Blue Court Dental. Patients enjoy his relaxed, friendly and gentle approach while experiencing his meticulous attention to detail. He has a special interest in providing smile makeovers, natural-looking white fillings and cosmetic braces, but also provides a range of treatments from preventative and general dental care to complex dental rehabilitation.
Dr Nishan Dixit

Latest posts by Dr Nishan Dixit (see all)

the comedian John Bishop enjoys teeth whitening

The comedian John Bishop has recently had teeth whitening, a process where we can apply a small amount of whitening gel to your teeth to remove dark and yellow staining in order that your teeth can be beautifully white again.

teeth whitening is an increasingly popular option for people in the public eye, or for those who are concerned about their appearance. So long as you have all of your natural teeth, and don’t have a veneer or Crown at the front it is more than likely that you are suitable for a teeth whitening procedure.

Your smile is the most important feature of your face, as this is what people tend to notice first. In fact John Bishop has been quoted as saying on Radio Fours Desert Island discs:

“They are my real teeth! I’ve had them whitened, because my teeth probably account for about 30 per cent of my head,”

What other types of teeth whitening available?

Teeth whitening in Harrow is available from Blue Court Dental using either home teeth whitening or dental tooth whitening.  Home teeth whitening allows you to easily control the amount of whitening that you want, you simply use the whitening trays with a small amount of bleaching gel each day until you reach your desired whiteness. You can also stop whitening if your teeth come too sensitive.

Teeth whitening works by applying a small amount of gel to your teeth which then breaks up the stains and discolouration. This gel is held in place by seeing, clear whitening tray which is made to fit precisely over your teeth.

Blue Court Dental Centre provides teeth whitening in Harrow for the local people.

I’m so sad i need a filling !

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit is the founder and principal dentist of Blue Court Dental. Patients enjoy his relaxed, friendly and gentle approach while experiencing his meticulous attention to detail. He has a special interest in providing smile makeovers, natural-looking white fillings and cosmetic braces, but also provides a range of treatments from preventative and general dental care to complex dental rehabilitation.
Dr Nishan Dixit

Latest posts by Dr Nishan Dixit (see all)

 This patient came for her routine appointment and on examination, early decay was detected on a tooth that had not been treated before.  She wanted her new tooth to look as natural as possible.


The decay was removed and the tooth was prepared for a filling.  A white composite filling material was used to fill the hole.  The colour was made to match her existing teeth and shaped to look as natural as possible.

The patient was delighted with the result.

My tooth looks like a clothes peg! Can you help me?

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit is the founder and principal dentist of Blue Court Dental. Patients enjoy his relaxed, friendly and gentle approach while experiencing his meticulous attention to detail. He has a special interest in providing smile makeovers, natural-looking white fillings and cosmetic braces, but also provides a range of treatments from preventative and general dental care to complex dental rehabilitation.
Dr Nishan Dixit

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This patient was very unhappy with her peg like tooth in her upper jaw.  The tooth appeared smaller and sharper than the rest of her teeth and was very visible when she smiled.  She wanted a more natural looking tooth with the least amount of tooth destruction possible.

To change the shape of the tooth, a white composite filling material was used.  The filling was blended with the existing tooth using the latest techniques, giving the tooth a very natural look.

The patient was delighted with the final result.


“A treatment that definately exceeded expectations.  Very happy with the reults – Thankyou.”

There’s a hole in my tooth!

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit is the founder and principal dentist of Blue Court Dental. Patients enjoy his relaxed, friendly and gentle approach while experiencing his meticulous attention to detail. He has a special interest in providing smile makeovers, natural-looking white fillings and cosmetic braces, but also provides a range of treatments from preventative and general dental care to complex dental rehabilitation.
Dr Nishan Dixit

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This patient did not like the appearance of her tooth and had also noticed that food was getting trapped in the hole after every meal.  The extensive decay made the tooth look grey and had led to the tooth breaking away.  The decay was cleaned out and replaced with a tooth coloured (composite) filling material.

The patient was delighted to have a natural looking tooth again and is due to have the existing white filling on her back tooth and the crown .replaced in due course.

I don’t like my crooked teeth

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit

Dr Nishan Dixit is the founder and principal dentist of Blue Court Dental. Patients enjoy his relaxed, friendly and gentle approach while experiencing his meticulous attention to detail. He has a special interest in providing smile makeovers, natural-looking white fillings and cosmetic braces, but also provides a range of treatments from preventative and general dental care to complex dental rehabilitation.
Dr Nishan Dixit

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This patient wanted to have straight teeth in less than 9 months.  He wanted an appliance that could  be removed and inserted as easily as a retainer.  For this reason we decided upon the Inman Aligner.  The spring action of the appliance gently guided the teeth to an ideal position quickly and effectively in a matter of weeks.

The patient was absolutely delighted with the result.